Our Team

‘Mapping and Diagnosing Mental Health in/and the UK University Sector’ (MapUKHE; Wellcome Trust 219172/Z/19/Z) is a project conducted by four UK academics based at the universities of Lincoln, Glasgow, and York. We combine expertise in medical humanities, history, mental health, qualitative social scientific methods, critical university studies, complex systems and network analysis.

Dr Leon Rocha is the Principal Investigator of the MapUKHE project. He currently works in the Bargaining, Organising, Campaigns and Education department at University and College Union (UCU). He was most recently Senior Lecturer in Chinese History and Society at University of Lincoln. His research specialism includes the history of the human sciences in the twentieth century, especially the long-range networks of translation and dissemination of medical and scientific knowledge. More recently, he has turned his expertise towards the emergent, interdisciplinary field of critical university studies. Email: leon.rocha@cantab.net


Dr Philip Garnett is a Co-Investigator of the MapUKHE project. He is Senior Lecturer of Systems and Organisation at the University of York, School of Management. He is also co-director of the Science and Technology Studies Unit at York, and a member of the York Cross-disciplinary Centre for Systems Analysis. Philip uses systems and complexity theory to research organisations as emergent properties of their parts and interactions. He is also interested in how organisations (as systems) make decisions, and the role that technology has in decision making processes. Email: philip.garnett@york.ac.uk


Professor Felicity Callard is a Co-Investigator of the MapUKHE project. She is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Glasgow and Editor-in-Chief of the History of the Human Sciences. She has researched various topics relating to mental health, as well as the history of psychiatry and psychology, in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. She also has an interest in interdisciplinarity as method and an epistemic object, and is the co-author, with Des Fitzgerald, of Rethinking Interdisciplinarity across the Social Sciences and Neurosciences (Palgrave, 2015). Email: felicity.callard@glasgow.ac.uk


Dr Dimitra Kotouza is a postdoctoral researcher, now based at the University of Edinburgh, and the author of Surplus Citizens (Pluto, 2019), a monograph on crisis governance and social contestation during Greece’s sovereign debt crisis (2010–16). She has studied Politics (Kent), Sociology (Essex) and Social Psychology (Sussex), and has worked as a lecturer (2015–18) and as a data analyst (2005–11) in UK higher education. She is interested in the psychosocial dimensions of governmental rationality in the areas of work, health and education, and is lead researcher for network data collection and document analysis for the MapUKHE project. Email: d.kotouza@outlook.com


We would also like to acknowledge our interlocutors and advisors, including:
Dr Andrew Chitty (University of Sussex)
Professor Gail Davies (University of Exeter)
Dr Eric Lybeck (University of Manchester)
Dr Claire Marris (Independent researcher)
Dr Liz Morrish (Independent researcher)
Dr Warren Pearce (University of Sheffield)
Professor Nicolette Priaulx (Cardiff University)
Dr Fady Shanouda (City, University of London)